এখন জিজ্ঞাসা

CHINAPLAS 2024 makes a real statement with 321,879 visitors

CHINASPLAS 2024 drew down its curtain yesterday (April 26) in Shanghai, China. The four-day mega plastics and rubber trade fair records a total number of 321,879 visitors.

The total no. of visitors for CHINAPLAS 2024 marks a significant increase of 29.67% when compare with CHINAPLAS 2023 (248,222) held in Shenzhen. Notably, there were 73,204 overseas visitors went to National Exhibition and Convention Center, Hongqiao (NECC), representing a phenomenal increase of 157.50% when compared with the 2023 edition.

TotalOverseas % of Overseas Visitors
Day 193,24119,38020.78%
Day 2118,68724,86220.95%
Day 381,66220,06724.57%
Day 428,2898,89531.44%

অনুমতি ছাড়া প্রজনন অনুমোদিত নয়।রুমটু রিসাইক্লিং মেশিনারি » CHINAPLAS 2024 makes a real statement with 321,879 visitors
