Strojevi za recikliranje
Linije za reciklažu meke plastike
Hard Plastic Recycling Systems
Sjeckalica za plastiku
Pomoćni sustav
Zašto odabrati nas
Rumtoo Machinery specijalizirana je za trgovinu rabljenim i novim strojevima za industriju fleksibilnog pakiranja. Naš je cilj pomoći kupcima u održavanju uspješne proizvodnje plastične folije osiguravajući im dobro održavane fleksibilne strojeve za pretvorbu. Kupnja ovih strojeva od nas je jednostavan i siguran proces, budući da smo tijekom mnogo godina izgradili opsežno znanje i dugotrajne poslovne odnose diljem svijeta. Ako trebate pomoć u pronalaženju pravog stroja za vaš proizvodni pogon, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas ovdje kako bismo razgovarali o strojevima za proizvodnju plastične folije.
Trgujemo raznim vrstama strojeva za fleksibilnu preradu i pakiranje, kao što su strojevi za recikliranje, granulatori, drobilice, ekstruderi za puhani film, ekstruderi za liveni film, laminatori, strojevi za izradu vrećica, strojevi za rezanje i premotavanje, tiskarski strojevi. Nudimo i širok raspon priključaka za fleksibilno pretvaranje.
Rumtoo Machinery je najveći dobavljač novih i rabljenih strojeva za recikliranje plastike u Americi/Europi za ponovno peletiranje i ponovno granuliranje plastičnog otpada.
Pročitajte najnovije
The Essential Guide to Recycling Plastic Foam Materials
Plastic foam materials are incredibly versatile, finding their way into many aspects of daily life. From packaging to construction and even in food and beverage applications, these materials are ubiquitous. […]
Explore Plastic Granulators: Types, Benefits, and Maintenance
Introduction Plastic recycling has become a cornerstone of modern waste management, driving both environmental protection and economic benefits. At the heart of this process is the humble yet powerful plastic granulator. […]
Robust Plastic Recycling Lines for HDPE, PP, PS Plastics
Our robust plastic recycling plant provides a fast and straightforward solution for recycling contaminated rigid plastics such as HDPE bottles, lamps, pipes, and more. Rigid plastics are granulated and cleaned […]
Mastering Plastic Recycling: A Guide to Different Types of Plastics
Every time you pick up a plastic item, you’ll likely spot the familiar symbol of three arrows forming a loop—the universal recycling icon. This symbol often comes with a number […]
Top 7 Questions About Polystyrene Recycling Answered
1. Can Polystyrene Be Recycled? Absolutely! Polystyrene is 100% recyclable. However, it’s not widely accepted at most recycling facilities. The challenge lies in its low density—since polystyrene is composed of […]
Introduction to Industrial Plastic Extruders – Everything You Need to Know
An industrial plastic extruder is the equipment used to regrind or recycle plastic waste for the processes of injection molding, blow molding, or extrusion. It is used to recycle plastic […]
Polystyrene Recycling | Polystyrene Disposal Guide
Since its discovery in 1839, versatile plastic polystyrene has captured global attention, being transformed into toys, food containers, packaging materials, insulation, and much more. With approximately 15.6 million tons produced […]
EPS Pelletizing Machine
What is a Foam Granulator? A Foam Granulator, also known as a waste foam pellet recycling machine, is designed to recycle foam materials into pellets without damaging their original molecular […]
Razumijevanje strojeva za recikliranje plastike
What is a Plastic Recycling Machine? Plastic recycling machines are essential tools designed to convert waste plastic materials into reusable products. These machines play a crucial role in reducing plastic […]
Usporedba različitih modela strojeva za recikliranje plastične folije
Recycling plastic film is crucial for reducing environmental waste and promoting sustainability. With numerous models of plastic film recycling machines available, it can be challenging to choose the right one […]
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